Incoming hAirdrops: Important message to all , , , members

3 Comma Club
3 min readNov 16, 2020

If your meme token does not have a plan for meme-sharing on the horizon, it might aswell be a pet rock. That’s why being a member of the 3 Comma Club pays off, art wise. Holding a minimum of 1,000,000,000 $THREE grants you access to receive limited NFTs from high quality artists across the globe, directly to your wallet.

What is a hAirdrop?

The term, hAirdrop — popularized by Seychellos meme-entrepreneur and comic artist Pineapple Pete, is used to describe airdrops that make you loose your hair, also in this case — hodl-airdrops. All eligible members will be able to receive Silver Class hAirdrops from each artist that issue a collection through the 3 Comma Club.

Each artist collection issued by the 3 Comma Club will consist of three different pieces, divided into three different scarcity classes — Gold, Silver and Bronze.

🥇Gold: 1:1 piece that will be go on auction, with the $THREE token as payment method. (90% of proceeds will go to the artist and 10% will go to the dev wallet)

🥈Silver: The supply is determined by the amount of eligible members of the 3 Comma Club that have followed the instructions correctly. One NFT hAirdropped to each member!

🥉Bronze: 999 copies that will be available for club members and the public, each going for 0.00666 ETH. Unsold pieces (if any) will be burned after the end of the gold auction. You are welcome to purchase as many copies as you want. (50% of the proceeds will go to the artist and 50% to further development of the 3 Comma Club)

How to be eligible for hAirdrops?

  1. Hold atleast 1,000,000,000 $THREE tokens in your wallet - (currently worth 0.04 ETH/~$18 at the time of writing).

2. Join our Discord channel and type “!join” in any channel.

3. You will receive a message from a bot with a link to verify your holdings. (Metamask required)

4. After verifying with the bot, follow the final step that is described in the #hairdrop-signup channel — that will be displayable after verifying your holdings. You must do this even if you are a member from before.

Once this is done, you will receive Silver Class 3 Comma hAirdrops from every artist that launch through our platform!

$THREE can be traded on Uniswap here:

The total supply of $THREE is 600,000,000,000 — so limited spots are available!

Wen first hAirdrop?

The first artist collection will be issued after the Betfluencer alphadrop. More information about the first drop will be available in the 3 Comma Club. — see you there!

The 3 Comma Club is parody-token and an experiment in community tokens and NFTs — 100% dependent on volunteerism. The token was issued as generosity airdrop to early adopters of NFT-farming, in a decentralized, fair and costly manner. $THREE is not considered as a security, stock or commodity, and should be traded with caution. DYOR.

